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Have the sale of your boat seen by thousands of
potential buyers in your area with's classified ad service.

It's the fast and easy way of selling your boat online.

Are you looking to sell your boat, but don't know where to turn? has the answer you've been looking for.  We offer online "For Sale By Owner" classified ad services for private sellers.  With thousands of potential buyers using our site to search for boats in your area, you're guaranteed to get a huge audience that's ready to buy.

Out listing tool is easy to use, and fast.  You have 24/7 access to your ad, and no long-term commitments. If you ever run into problems with your boat listing, customer support is just a call away.

We offer three great plans for listing your classified ad with us: is your one-stop shop for a vibrant marine marketplace with a vast selection of local buyers and sellers. has over 150,000 boats of all shapes and sizes for sale and 3476 power boats for sale in Miami, Florida alone.

Click HERE for our listing services.
Enhanced Listing (6 weeks) only $85.00
Unlimited Photos:
You can show your boat in as many ways as you'd like, to appeal to as broad a buyer base as possible.
  Enhanced, Rotating Photos:
Your photos will rotate on the search result page so that potential buyers will see different images of your boat while they are actively searching.
Ad Size:
An enhanced listing means a large format ad, which will stand out from the pack.
  Enhanced, Ad Statistics:
This service is updated daily to show you how many people have viewed your ad.
Ad Run:
Your ad will run six weeks.
Sell Your Boat Now!
Basic (2 weeks) only $30
Premium (12 weeks) only $120
1 photo of your boat
Ad statistics to learn how many people have seen your ad
Ad run: 2 weeks
All of the features of Enhanced, but with double the time!
Featured on search results page
Boat exporter, for more views of your ad
Sell Your Boat Now
Sell Your Boat Now
This email was sent by Lake Union Building, Suite 320, 1700 Westlake Avenue North, Seattle, Washington 98109.